Constellation in Ketlyn Sauce
You have started to notice that, there are recurring patterns and events in your life, perhaps you or your children have chronic and recurring illnesses that do not want to go away immediately. Or you notice other recurring events. The family is a system, and in systems we experience repetition.
You feel that there is often similar behavior and thought patterns before making a new decision, moving towards goals, or leaving them unfinished. It all seems to make sense, but in fact, it is all rather incomprehensible and in a way completely incomprehensible.
Constellation is a method by which you have the opportunity to understand the root cause and bring unconscious connections to light. This technique supports bringing our inner world into view, and the constellation supports the healing of soul wounds. Telling your inner story and making the invisible visible creates an opportunity for your energy and also love to start flowing again.
The constellation can be done both in a group and individually.
You have the opportunity to participate in the constellation workshop as an observer or substitute. These are important roles, and the workshop can only be conducted if these important participants - substitutes - are present. People who are ready to represent important figures in the client's work.
In an individual constellation, you meet me privately one-on-one. At such a meeting, I use crocheted dolls as an aid, which represent the figures needed in your work.
In both cases, we focus on your wish. Before the start of personal work, I will conduct a short interview where you can determine the direction of your constellation work.
I conduct constellations in Tartu, Tallinn, and online.
The duration of the session is usually 1.5 hours.
The price of the constellation work Ketlyn Sauce is 150 euros.
180 euros for couples.
You can get information about group work from the Facebook page "Hingede Personalereener Ketlyn Villem" or from the "Tarot and Constellations with Ketlyn" group.